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Approximately 90 invitees, researchers from Romania and Germany, participated at the “Potential for Future German and Romanian Cooperation in Research and Innovation” workshop organized by the Romanian – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK România), at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, from the economic and academic environment. The event, which was part of a larger project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany was aimed at initiating and developing bilateral relations in research and development between Romanian and German companies and research institutes in this field.
Germany is one of the most advanced countries in the world in the field of research and development, with important know-how in this field. In 2014, Germany allocated 2.84% of its GDP to this field, whereas Romania only allocated 0.38% of its GDP for research and development.
Romania also has potential and our country could become an important centre for research and development in Europe. Critical for this are state funding of activities in the field and creating an accessible and transparent framework for securing innovation, for instance by patents, and for know-how transfer. Innovation means competitiveness and an important starting point consists of creative, well-trained and motivated employees.
Since the future of a company and wellbeing of society are ensured by innovation, among other things, AHK Romania is aware of the major role played by education, research and development in increasing companies’ competitiveness, particularly, and economy, in general, and supports the development of the abovementioned fields by many initiatives developed on its own or in collaboration with third parties. The representatives of Politehnica University of Bucharest, FILS and the German Embassy in Bucharest opened the event. The topics of the presentations delivered within the workshops con- cerned motor engineering and motor constructions, microsystems, energetics and environmental technologies. Beside German entities famous in research and development, three institutes within Fraunhofer, the widest applicative research organization, the main purpose of which is to transform the results of fundamental research into new and innovative products, processes and services, were present at the event.
The main speeches were delivered by Mr. Ralf Hagedorn, PhD, from the German Airspace Agency, Mrs. Petra Jung Erceg, PhD, from Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, and Mr. Varujan Pambuccian, PhD, Deputy and member of the Information Technology and Communications Committee.
Mr. Pambuccian spoke about the need to patent ideas, as a strategy related to the research activity. A concrete example was that of the mobile phone. In the 19th century an attempt was made to present the idea but, as it was not patented, history took a different turn. Thus, the mobile phone became known only in the 20th century. The conclusion is that ideas should be patented, in order not to be lost.
The speeches were followed by individual discussions. The participants were very content about how the discussions went and the important contacts they made. For instance, Mrs. Petra Jung Erceg from Fraunhofer ISI was able to find out not only that the various Romanian institutions have an enormous interest in the collaboration in various fields of new technology integration, but also that Romania is already performing activities in various fields. ”Frauenhofer ISI is greatly interested to take further, as soon as possible, the new contacts in the industrial and institutional field, within joint, concrete projects” Jung Erceg stated.
Mr. Ralf Hagedorn from the German Airspace Agency, considers that, particularly after Romania’s accession to the EU in 2007, “Romania has, especially in the fields of machines constructions, IT&C, environmental technologies, an important cooperation potential for the countries in the Danube area. By close collaboration, bilateral cooperation provide an important contribution to the EU strategy concerning the Danube area and thus contributes to the integration of research and development between countries on the upper and lower course of Danube.”
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages, Prof. Adrian Volceanov, PhD, expressed his satisfaction for having hosted and coorganized an event on the possible future of innovation with many participants and aiming to intensify cooperation between German and Romanian research institutes: “It was a framework for discussions on the research funding opportunities and for initiating new project partnerships. A good opportunity to know better and develop new research paths in new technologies.”
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